Quick and meat bentos continue. It's the easiest to make in the busy mornings. I feel kind of bad about consuming some meat everyday though. I have to feed the two hyenas anyway. Despite of eating a lot everyday, they are not fat at all, which doesn't make ANY sense to me hah. Well, I prepare meat and something other for bento as I make dinner so next morning I only have to take them out of the fridge and cook in a pan or just pack into a bento box. Is that not so new? Okay you've done things like that already, I know, haha. Today's meat is shoyu-koji chicken that I marinated the night before.
Today I'm going to show my favorite sauce for cold noodles. I've actually been trying to use less processed foods lately, and also to get rid of bottled sauces and salad dressings. My shiokoji has been a big help to me to quick make sauces myself. Another good thing about sauces with shiokoji is that you can take the enzymes and koji bacteria raw, which means that you can make the most of the goodness of shiokoji. I will be sharing some more sauce recipes with shiokoji sometime soon. Ah wait, don't get me wrong. I am not a missioner or pious votary of Shiokoji cult lol! (It exists nowhere in case.) Not that I'm totally committed to shiokoji. It's just useful for my easy sauce-making because it has umami (an extra good flavor), mild sweetness (natural glucide) and some thickness that's ideal for sauces. That's why I've been on a shiokoji spree lately.
Shiokoji sauce for cold noodles (for 3 - 4 plates)
4 tablespoon plain yogurt
2 tablespoon shiokoji
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 tablespoon peanut butter
1 tablespoon sugar, adjust depending on your peanut butter
A little doubanjiang (or any red chilli sauce/oil you like), or as much as you want
A tiny bit of grated garlic and sesame oil if you like
If it turns out too strong in taste add a bit of water right before serving. This sauce goes great with cold udon too.