Saturday, July 04, 2015

Pork Donburi

Are there often those days you sleep in and feel like making nooothing? Plus you don't have any bento stashes, either. As for me, that's yesterday. Anyway I did my best. I first cooked rice, and then boiled some water in a pan and sliced half an onion. Then I parboiled pork slices in the boiling water and drained it. Placed it back with the sliced onion into the pan and dashed a little mirin, sake, shoyu and sugar over it and simmered for a while. Sitting in a chair, having a glass of iced latte I was spacing out in the meantime lol. Now that the rice and pork were done, I first put the rice in my favorite enamel container and waited for it to cool off. Then I topped the rice with the simmered pork, benishoga (red ginger) and half a shoyu egg that I'd made a few days ago. Phewww, voila!
Although I thought there had been no bento stash, I just noticed that I'd had the last shoyu egg, fortunately.

While, today I made shoyu chicken (sauteed and quick-marinated in shoyu and mirin), and a cheese omelet. I found something veggy and jazzy was missing so I improvised carrot and common bean salad. Hubs didn't need his bento today and I only needed a little bit of salad for Yuppi's bento. I'm not a microwave cooking person, but I like how microwave ovens are good at cooking small amounts of food. I seasoned carrot and common bean julienne with salt, sesame oil and sesame seeds after microwaving. Most veggies turn out good with these three seasonings if you're a fan of the sesame oil flavor.
Since I had cute, tiny cherry tomatoes, suggested that Yuppi get some of them in her bento. Unfortunately, she refused it. Geez...

Yuppi's roll cake. I'm now craving roll cake for some reason. I thought I'd post these pictures today. :)
Yuppi's roll cake

Yuppi's roll cake 2

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