In this bento are curried pork patties on rice, potato omelet with ketchup, and some raw veggies with mayo. As some of you are aware, I painted my table top white! I was so tired of the darkness of the table haha!

These ones contain slices of shoyu chicken thigh, sweet potato dressed with sesame seeds and a bit of salt and butter, shoyu egg halves and carrot bacon stir-fry.

For these ones, I made carrot salad, herb-mayo broiled salmon, snow pea salad and egg aburaage pouches. Egg aburaage pouches! You are curious about that, I guess. I have you covered of course! Eh I want to say so, but I'll save it for a future post, sorry hehee.

You know what, Yuppi complained later, *Mama, that sour carrot wasn't my type. I like carrot to be stir-fried, not sour*. I was a bit miffed because I was happy with the carrot salad and it is one of my hits (at least I think). Not to mention I insisted. *It's really good and not even that sour. Just refreshing! You can leave it if you don't like!* I was a bit opinionated and mean LOL.
I first lightly cooked carrot julienne and then seasoned with a bit of salt, rice vinegar and shirasu (cooked and salted tiny little fishes). It may be hard to imagine, but is something like carrot tuna salad with no oil. Sounds good and healthy, doesn't it?
Although It's totally long overdue, I decided to post some photos I'd taken when going on a trip to my favorite park to see sakura this past spring. This year I got my hands on a telephoto zoom lens for the first time, which is very affordable but enough fun to use. I've taken quite a few photos using it. I'm going to post a lot more in future posts as well. I hope you'll like them!