How hard it's to actually carry out what you said. I said that I would blog every day if possible, but I've done nothing. Hahhh, shame on me! Okay, who cares? Anyway I'm going to try my best. In the meantime, spring arrived around here and sukura trees are in bloom right now (that's way earlier than usual!) even though I haven't even posted pictures of early spring flowers yet. I feel a bit frustrated because it seems like the sakura blossoms are ending before long, while I can't get around to going to take shots. Hey spring, don't go, please stay! Oh well, still I'm really enjoying the short spring here and hope you guys are also enjoying your season wherever you are.

Tulips and snowflakes are always cute.

They are just about to be over. They don't last very long like cherry blossoms. I will be missing these delicate and adorable flowers of early spring for sure.

I love shidare zakura (weeping sakura) too.

I couldn't take good shots, the branches were dancing in the wind. But I love how they gently, lithely sway above as if to talk to me. I am a poet right now... Lol!

If you are curious about what I made for these bentos, of course feel free to ask me.