This bento contains...
chicken cutlet,
spinach/kamaboko salad,
scrambled egg/negi,
carrot miso kimpira
and medium polished rice decorated with green peas and something(?).

Tori soboro bento...
stir-fried ground chicken tender seasoned with shoyu, mirin and sugar,
scrambled egg,
mashed sweet potato,
nimono (satsumaage, lotus root)
and medium-polished rice underneath the chicken and egg.

What do you think the tiny pink ball-like things that I've recently put on rice are? They are garlic pickles! It hardly smells. Isn't it a bit cute??
This one contains...
lotus root/umeboshi salad,
fried shrimps with a green lemon wedge,
stir-fried pork slices
and medium-polished rice topped with green peas.

Now I'll write one recipe. Many people often say to me *why not share your recipes?*. Although I've thought I should do that, too bad I always cook without measuring (except for baking and delicate cooking). I think that's the way home-cooking is. To be honest, measurement seems like a chore to me because I am a careless person haha. However, if possible I'd like to write my recipes in detail with some pictures on the blog but I need to make several kinds of dishes early in the morning in a short time. So I mean to share my recipes as often as I can in the future but it would be pretty simple and rough like it's been so far.
*babykins' lotus root ume-mayo salad recipe*
I think this is one of perfect salad dishes for bento. Give it a try!!
About 1 cup of thin-sliced lotus root
2 or 3 umeboshi (Japanese salty sour plum pickles)
1 teaspoon mayonnaise
1) Boil the lotus root slices for 1 or 2 minutes
2) Mince the umeboshi
3) Mix together all the ingredients
4) Done! \^.^/
As mentioned before, this time I'm going to up the rest of our Omatsuri pictures. This is goldfish scooping! It's been absolutely a necessary section for omatsuri since early times. It's a bit hard to scoop a fish with a fragile scoop. There are a few kinds of scoops. If you know some tips you could scoop easily so many goldfishes. Boy, my girl broke her paper scoop in NO time! I didn't even have time to get out my camera. She was not able to catch any goldfishes but they gave her a fish as a bonus so she only was able to take one home, yay luckily! I love this picture... a good old, nostalgic and unchanging-in-forever sight.

A toy stall. I used to get bought a fake ring and necklace as a kid, was sooo happy to be a lady.

This is a *Ringo Ame* (candy-coated apple skewers) stall. There were only apple ones and apricot ones before but nowadays they even have pineapple ones and mango ones. I was curious about a mango ame but didn't buy it because I was already filled up at that point. Ringo ame is much yummier than it looks.

Well can you guess what these snake-looking things are?

Guess what, I still have the rest of the omatsuri pictures. Of course I'm going to up it the next time. I hope that y'all won't be fed up with that lol!
Also I don't have any plans for Halloween but hope everyone else has a happy one!!