Well I made many eats Yesterday! This is... I call it *mock gyudon bento*. Do you know *Yoshinoya no Gyudon*? Gyudon is a bowl of rice topped with simmered beef slices, which is a kind of savory dombri (rice and dish in a bowl). However I rarely eat beef. So you can hardly find beef dishes in my bentos. So I used pork slices for this one instead of beef. Are you aware yet? That this gyudon looks pretty much the same as Sukiyaki. But gyudon only has beef and onion unlike sukiyaki. I added shirataki to them this time because I love it! Since I only prepared the mock gyudon, this bento turned out too simple and bland. Okay, one store bought looking gyudon bento is done up aha!

I made some syoyu tamago the other day. Syoyu tamago (soy-soaked boiled eggs) are also called *aji tama* (flavored eggs). I guess some of you have seen it in ramen before. You know, egg goes well with gyudon and sukiyaki besides noodles. There are a lot of syoyu egg recipes out there. I like to only use syoyu, but you can make your eggs as you like. It's okay to add dashi or chicken stock, sugar, mirin, spices etc.. according to your taste. I added 1 tablespoon shoyu to 5 boiled eggs, then allowed it to soak well for more than 20 minutes, flipping or rolling them in the polybag several times to soak overall (in this way, you don't need to waste a lot of syoyu). Syoyu tamago can keep for a few days in the fridge.

I baked whole wheat breads yesterday. They turned out so good.

Also I baked some cupcakes. I'm into cupcakes lately. Trying to come up with a nice fluffy cupcake recipe. This is decorated with morron whipped cream.

Though I only took two pictures Yuppi and I made some kinds of creams this time. Yuppi decorated all of them. You know what, this cream is supper nice in particular!! So I have to write, and you have to try! Don't you wanna know?? We added some cherry jam to unsweetened heavy cream, then whipped. Without an electric mixer, you could make whipped cream pretty damn quick because of the pectine that's included in jam. And I think cherry jam is the best for a berry cream, ummm YUMMooo.