It rains very often these days. I've had a hard time photographing good shots. I think lack of sunlight is always bugging food-shooters. I'm sick of dull weather in the morning! So Autumnal rain wets my heart too. Oh well, a lot of my bento pictures have piled up but I'm only going to post one bento this time because I have so many pics that I'd like to share here!
This bento has...
stir-fried purple potato,
boiled spinach,
a half of boiled egg yolk
chicken curry & rice,
boiled egg white stars atop the curry.
*babykins' super quick chicken curry recipe*
I like this curry, so simple and quick that it's perfect for a busy morning. Perhaps this can't be called curry!? TOO simple to be called CURRY. So should I name it *curry flavored chicken*??
2 Chicken thighs (boneless)
Some flour
1 tablespoon shoyu
1 tablespoon Worcester sauce
About 5 tablespoons water
1 teaspoon curry powder
A little of salt and any spices you like or garam masala
1) Cut the chicken then dredge it in the flour a lot (this flour will thicken curry sauce afterward).
2) Sear the chicken in a pan until light brown.
3) Add all the seasonings and the water then braise it until cooked (for a few minutes).
Done!! It is super easy to make, isn't it!?
In the meantime, the omatsuri report still continues! This would continue until I satisfy myself lol! If you go to an Omatsuri you should go at dusk because you could enjoy a lot more the atmosphere.
Skewer-stuff stall is a regular, they have oden, yakitori, squid skewers and drinks.
Another regular stall is TAKOYAKI! Who doesn't like it? These takoyaki are pretty big than normal ones.

Speaking of takoyaki......
JA JAAAAN!! We made takoyaki at home the other day!
Haha it's a joke, not takoyaki! Yuppi and her pal tried making cake balls using a takoyaki pan. Who made them overflow?? Yes it's me. We used pancake mixture. Maybe I'll update the recipe later.
The girls stuffed and decorated these ones with chocolate. That was so fun work! The mixture is not that sweet so you could put various things into it instead of chocolate.... Cut apple or banana, fruit jam, custard cream, sweet bean paste, cheese, hum and so on. Of course you could put in cut octopus if you want, I won't judge. Only I can't assure you of the taste lol!
These ones are stuffed with teeny tiny hotdogs. Its taste is similar to corn dogs but much healthier, and yes YUM!
Aren't these cute?? Don't they look yummy??
Updated a recipe!!
babykins' takoyaki cake (pancake) recipe
400 gram (14 oz) flour
70 gram (about 8 tablespoons) brown sugar or sugar you like
2 to 3 teaspoons baking powder
520 gram (18.3 oz) mixture of egg and milk, including 4 eggs
4 tablespoons melted butter or vegetable oil
1) Put the flour, sugar and baking powder in a large bowl and mix well with whisk.
2) Add the egg/milk mixture and melted butter into the bowl and mix until the flour disappears and the whole batter is smooth.
3) Then cook it as you like! Give it a try!!