This bento contains quick menchi katsu (breaded meat patty), tamagoyaki -- green onion and pink kamaboko, daigaku kabocha (fried and glazed kabocha) and two mini onigiri. Actually I don't really like putting tomatoes in a bento, but the one I put in the bento looked so tasty that I couldn't resist. Though tomatoes are not in season now. By the way, if you have some tag ends of kamaboko on hand, you should make a tamagoyaki with them. I finely cut my kamaboko and green onion, then beat egg with them, then made it a tamagoyaki, which was yummy! Menchi katsu is one of my favorite home cooking. For bento this time, I made it in a pretty simple way. I mixed some panko, grated onion and a bit of salt into minced chicken breast (also beef and pork both work well). And then made it into mini burgers, then put panko on both sides of them. Then pan-fried with a little oil as usual. I like to eat menchi katsu with tonkatsu sauce or syoyu.

I heard that many of my friends came down with a bad cold. It's because of the shift of seasons? I hate getting a cold or flu. Who loves it?! For prevention, I've tried to eat ginger and allium vegetables (such as negi, garlic) as often as I can. They are said to keep you warm and help to get rid of germs. Also I guess eating brown rice everyday helps us stay healthy. Are you okay? I really hope y'all and me stay well!