Yuppi has made bento dishes straight recently as I wrote earlier. So I can be somewhat lazy every morning. All I have to do is pack my own bento and take bento pictures, wheee! Today's bentos only consist of scraps from the fridge. Mushroom/pork/edamame stir-fry, spinach/corn salad (our late favorite) with sesame dressing, a nori/tamagoyaki swirl, a mini vanilla cheese cake and usual fruits for dessert. I mixed *ume nameshi* -- kind of a furikake (made out of umeboshi and green veggies) into rice, and made a flower atop the rice using pink ginger pickle. I like it much better than pink fish sausage or kamaboko to be honest. This time I took a thermal bottle of hot hoji tea with this bento. I really liked today's lunch, simple yet tasty and satisfying. Though it was rainy and chilly today, the hoji tea warmed my heart.

These bentos below are Yuppi's arrangements. They contain sauteed bacon-wrapped cherry tomatoes besides the same food as mine. Who ate this huge onigiri?! You compare it with the two mini onigiri in the red container. (Maybe she didn't want to make more than three onigiri ha!)

Happy weekend all my pals!!